What is self-care?
Self-care tips for parents with newborn babies
- Sleep when your baby sleeps
- Ask family or close friends for help
- Hire a housecleaning service to help
- Buy healthy dinners from a local meal prep service
Self-care tips to help maintain your well-being
- There are times when it can feel tough to get enough sleep, but keeping it a priority can make a big difference.
- Try to stay active when you can, even if it’s just taking a walk—anything is better than nothing.
- Remember your nutrition, and be sure to drink enough water—dehydration can amplify your fatigue.
- Soak in some sunshine. Spending time in the sun can help boost vitamin D levels, improve sleep, and even brain chemistry.1
- Don’t skip routine health care, like annual checkups, dental cleanings, and screenings.
- Remember that you’re modeling healthy habits. When kids see their parents keeping up with their self-care, they’re much more likely to build those habits for themselves.
- Don’t compare yourself to other parents. They might look perfect on social media, but all families have challenges.
- Communication is key. Talking about your needs with your partner, family, and friends can be challenging at times, but it gets easier the more you keep at it.
- Parenting causes ongoing changes over time, so it’s a good idea to revisit your budget and goals regularly along the way.
- If you get paid time off, take full advantage of it. 48% of US workers don’t use all their PTO.2
- It can be easy for your own interests to take a back seat to your family’s needs. It’s OK to put yourself first at times and stay connected to things you love to do.
- Don’t be too hard on yourself and those around you. Things are going to be tough, but most challenges are temporary—set realistic expectations, and try your best to take setbacks in stride.
- Ask for help. There’s an old African proverb that says: “It takes a village to raise a child.” Parenting isn’t something most people can expect to do totally on their own, so it’s OK to lean on family, friends, neighbors, online support groups, and even professional help.