Expert insights and investing toolsWe help you make better decisions with easy-to-use tools and straightforward insights from experienced professionals. |
Invest with intelligence on your side
Industry-leading research
We offer industry-leading investment research and analysis to help you with all of your trading strategies.
Tools & calculators
From strategy to analysis, our calculators and tools help you plan, evaluate, and track your finances so you’re always in the know.
Market insights
Take advantage of Fidelity Viewpoints® articles and the latest industry commentary to help you make informed investing decisions.

Smarter trading technology
Whether you're working independently, or with a financial professional, we offer smart tools and technologies to help you discover and take advantage of new trading opportunities. We call it Decision Tech.
Research tools
Use our screeners and tools to search for ideas, get in-depth analysis, and validate decisions.
Active Trader Pro®
Our powerful trading platform helps to give you more control before, during, and after the trade.
Achieving your goals
Our Planning & Guidance Center can help you create and track progress toward your investing goals.
• Retirement planning
• College savings
• Investment strategy
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