Money ideas

From budgeting and spending to planning for retirement, we've gathered tips and resources for the things that matter most to you.

Taking control of your day-to-day finances

"I need money to pay bills, start saving, and pay down debt." 

Consider these money moves

After you catch up on bills and pay down any high-interest debt—including credit cards and student loans—it's good to turn your attention to building an emergency fund.

Aim to save 3–6 months of essential expenses so you'll have some peace-of-mind when it comes to the unexpected.

How to build an emergency fund

Take a look at your saving and spending

We suggest using the 50/15/5 rule: Budget 50% of your take-home pay for essential expenses, 15% of your pre-tax income for retirement savings, and 5% of your take-home pay for near-term savings and emergencies.

For day-to-day budgeting, tracking your expenses can help you get a handle on your finances and work toward your money goals.

7 steps to a better budget: Fidelity Smart Money

Get tips to help grow your money skills

If you'd like to learn more about managing money and building good habits that work for you, we have helpful info on budgeting, saving, and spending less.

More saving and budgeting tips

Fidelity Viewpoints® : Market Sense

Join Fidelity Viewpoints : Market Sense for a weekly conversation about the latest market news and what it means for your money—all in about 20 minutes.

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Related resources

5 small steps that can make a big impact

Easy ways to manage spending, save more, and pay off debt.


Managing debt

From understanding credit to paying down debt, we can help you take charge of your financial health.


How to live for today, plan for tomorrow

Managing expenses while saving for the future takes planning and practice.


Building toward a big purchase

"I have travel plans, renovations, or a new home purchase coming soon."

Here's why it's good to start with a plan

If you have something coming up, no matter how big, making a plan can help show you how to get there, step-by-step.

We can help you create a plan, see all your money in one place, and work toward your goals—no matter what they are.

Start your plan

Practice patience: It can pay off for you

While some major purchases need to happen right now, it's important to consider the value of patience when you can afford it.

If you can choose to delay a major purchase and invest that money in the meantime, you could come away with more to spend.

Learn more about low-risk investing

Simplify your major purchases

From budgeting and saving for a major purchase to tips on everything from home renovations to travel planning, our Life Events resources can help you make your money go farther.

Go to Life Events: Making a major purchase

Fidelity Viewpoints® : Market Sense

Join Fidelity Viewpoints : Market Sense for a weekly conversation about the latest market news and what it means for your money—all in about 20 minutes.

Watch or listen now

Related resources

Investing for beginners

Investing doesn't have to be complicated. Here's how to get started.


How to travel for cheap

Budget travelers share 10 tips for cutting costs.


What are money market funds?

Learn more about these relatively low-risk, low-volatility investments.


Supporting your family and community

"I'm thinking about my kids, fur babies, community, and charitable interests."

For the happily ever after, and after

From getting married and planning for a growing family to saving for college and caring for aging loved ones, our Life Events resources can help guide and support you every step of the way.

Go to Life Events

Help a younger family member start saving

It's never too early to start building savings—and a saving mindset. Find out how simple it can be to help your family's next generation prepare for their brightest future.

Child saving and investing

Make a difference in your community

We'd love to help you give back. Support causes and organizations that matter to you in a way that could also help you save money on taxes.

Go to Charitable Giving

Fidelity Viewpoints® : Market Sense

Join Fidelity Viewpoints : Market Sense for a weekly conversation about the latest market news and what it means for your money—all in about 20 minutes.

Watch or listen now

Related resources

Financial resources for the Latino community

Here's how to build more for your family.


How to save money on pet care

Get more bark for your buck with these tips.


How grandparents can help fund education

Learn about flexible, tax-smart ways to save for your grandkids' future. Article


Simplifying your retirement planning

"I want to enjoy traveling, eating out, and all the other things I love doing while I'm retired."

Prepare for your retirement journey

Retirement is a continuation of your story. Ask yourself: "What am I retiring to, rather than away from?"

From knowing where to start to stepping into retirement life, we have resources and tools to help.

Go to Retirement Planning

Try the Retirement Decision Guide

We're here to help you prepare for your retirement. Answer some questions about how you see your retirement, and we'll create a prioritized list of decisions for you to consider—while giving you access to insights and tools to help you make them.

Start the Retirement Decision Guide

Understanding retirement health care and Social Security

Planning for and navigating Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security can be a complex challenge.

With us, you don't have to sweat it. Our resources can help simplify these programs and maximize what you can get from them.

Estimate your Social Security benefits

Discover Medicare Services

Fidelity Viewpoints® : Market Sense

Join Fidelity Viewpoints : Market Sense for a weekly conversation about the latest market news and what it means for your money—all in about 20 minutes.

Watch or listen now

Related resources

Making a plan for retirement income

Preserving your savings and growing your money in retirement.


Saving for retirement

Get tips and guidance on how to live the life you want in retirement.


8 moves to help snowball retirement savings

These little steps could have a big effect later.
