Bond Ladder Tool

The Fidelity Bond Ladder Tool can help you build a portfolio of bonds that mature at staggered intervals. These intervals are the "rungs" of the ladder, which are designed to help create a consistent stream of income over time.


Key Features

Simplified interactions

Intuitive design allows you to build your ladder on one page that includes educational content to make it easier to understand your options.

Summary calculations

View estimated income and principal in chart format for your ladder before you purchase it.

Generate dependable income1

Depending on the bonds in your ladder, income payments can be scheduled monthly, quarterly, or semiannually.

Provide ongoing liquidity

If you structure your ladder to have bonds expire at regular intervals, cash can be available on a consistent, scheduled basis (assuming no default by the issuer of the bond).

Reduce reinvestment risk

If interest rates rise, you may benefit from purchasing higher-yield bonds with the income from the bonds already in your ladder. If rates fall, bonds with future maturity dates would continue to be locked into the initial higher yields (assuming they are not callable).2

Learn more

Bond Investment Strategies
Learn about using bond ladders, barbells, and bullets to help diversify across maturity dates when investing in individual bonds.

Bond Ladder Tips

Read about how much you could consider investing in a bond ladder, how many different bonds to include, and more.