Let's get you started transferring an account to Fidelity

We make it easy to transfer all or part of an account to Fidelity—including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other security types—without needing to sell your holdings.1

Illustration of starting a transfer of assets on a laptop computer and mobile device.
Images are for illustrative purposes only

A transfer of assets (TOA) is when you transfer all or part of an account from one financial firm to another without selling your holdings.

You can transfer

All or some of an investment account, including specific investments in kind

Retirement or health savings accounts, like IRAs and HSAs

Liquidated annuities, CDs, or holdings from an investment account

Before you get started

Download a digital statement from your current firm so you can refer to important account information. You may need to upload a copy of this to complete the transfer process.

How long does a TOA take?

Most transfers take 3–5 business days to complete, however some requests may take longer. See “Tracking a transfer of assets” in the FAQ section for more details.

Track a recent transferLog In Required or resume a saved transfer requestLog In Required

How a transfer of assets works

You submit your transfer request
5–7 minutes


We provide your request directly to your firm


Your firm processes the request and sends us your assets


Assets are deposited in your Fidelity account
3–5 days2

You submit your transfer request to Fidelity.
5–7 minutes
Fidelity contacts your current firm, requesting the account assets. After processing the request, your current firm sends the account assets to Fidelity. We deposit your assets into your selected account.
3–5 days2


About transfer of assets (TOA)

Taxes and fees

  • Are there taxes or fees?

    In most cases, if you're moving a retirement account to a Fidelity retirement account of the same type, you likely won't incur taxes. We don't charge a fee to move assets from another institution; however, your current firm may charge to transfer your assets to us.

Tracking a transfer of assets

  • How will I know that my transfer is complete? And when will I be able to access my money?

    The exact time frame depends on the type of transfer and your current firm. If your current firm accepts electronic requests, the transfer will take approximately 5 days to process. Transfer requests that must be mailed to your current firm may take 2 to 4 weeks to complete. You should receive an email notification when your assets are in your Fidelity account. Once the assets are here, you'll have full access to your cash and securities. You can track the progress of your transfer online at any time with our Status TrackerLog In Required.

  • Will my assets transfer to Fidelity all at once?

    For most transfers, your current firm will send the assets to Fidelity all at once. However, if your transfer includes assets that must be sold first or if you have pending activity, your current firm may send those assets once they are settled. In instances like that, your assets will be transferred to Fidelity in batches and you may see a balance with your current firm until the transaction is completed.

How to get started

  • When is additional documentation needed?

    We recommend that you have a statement from the account you’re transferring available for all transfers. If you've experienced a major life event, like marriage, divorce, or the loss of a loved one, you may be asked to provide additional documentation as part of the transfer process.

    The table below shows the paperwork you'll need if the name information registered on your current external accounts differs from what you have at Fidelity.

    If your accounts: You'll need to provide:
    Have different last names Marriage certificate or divorce decree
    Have different first or middle names One-and-the-Same Letter (PDF)

    If you are transferring assets after the loss of a loved one, our Inheritance checklist can walk you through any additional steps you may need to take.

Transfer of assets specific accounts

Screenshot of how to begin a rollover on a laptop computer.
Images are for illustrative purposes only

Transferring a retirement account to Fidelity from a former employer is called a rollover. A rollover IRA allows you to move money from your former employer-sponsored plan to an IRA while keeping your money's tax-deferred status.

Consider all the options available to you before transferring your retirement assets.

Before you get started

If you don't already have a rollover IRA, you'll need to open one—this way, you can move money from your former employer's plan into this account.

How long does a rollover take?

If you have a workplace plan with Fidelity, you can do the entire rollover through your NetBenefits® account. You don’t need any additional paperwork and the money will be transferred within a few days.

Start a rollover from a Fidelity account

It takes 3-5 weeks, or longer, to complete transfers from workplace plans not held at Fidelity.

Start a rollover from a non-Fidelity account

Images are for illustrative purposes only

An electronic funds transfer (EFT) is a digital transfer of money to or from a bank account.

What you need to get started

First, you'll need to link a bank account to a Fidelity account. We'll only ask for a few things:

  1. A simple verification of your identity.
  2. Your bank account's routing and account numbers. Alternatively, you can choose to log on to your bank with your username and password for for a faster connection between the accounts.

How long does an EFT take?

Typically, 3-5 business days, but funds may be available for trading sooner.