Are you age 73* or older and looking to take a required minimum distribution (RMD)?
You've reached that magic age when the IRS requires you to take annual IRA withdrawals. See the rules and how missing an RMD can bring stiff penalties.
Are you over age 59 ½ and want to withdraw?
Good news: You're now old enough to enjoy penalty-free withdrawals from any kind of IRA. But it's still critical to know how your withdrawal may be taxed.
Are you under age 59 ½ and want to take an IRA withdrawal?
Yes, you can withdraw money early for unexpected needs. But you need to know what to expect from the IRS.
Did you inherit an IRA that you're looking to withdraw from?
Inheriting savings from a loved can bring financial benefits-along with IRS requirements for withdrawing the money.
Additional resources
Retirement planning
Get guidance on retirement investing that makes sense for your current stage of life and the vision you have for your retirement.
Navigate retirement's big decisions
A step-by-step guide to making decisions about your money, health, lifestyle, and loved ones in retirement.