Add a payee

A payee is a company or individual you want to pay using Bill Pay. You can add a payee at any time.


Choose the person or entity you want to pay by going to the Add payee link on the Bill Pay homepage. You'll be prompted to verify your identity via two factor authentication. From there, simply follow the steps to add the information we need to make your payments.

Add payee

Required payee information

To add a payee to Bill Pay, you'll need a few key pieces of information about the recipient:

  1. Payee's address—Enter the address where you currently send the payments for your bill. It may appear as the billing or remittance address on your statement.
  2. Payee's account number—If you have an account number, be sure to enter it. Your account number is the most reliable means of ensuring that the payee can credit your payments properly. If your account information is not correct, it may cause the payment to be credited to your account late or not at all. This could result in late fees, finance charges, or service disconnections. The Service Guarantee only applies to payments if all the payee information provided is accurate.
  3. Payee's phone number— Enter the phone number that you would call if you had a question about your bill. If you're adding a company, look for a customer service phone number on your bill, statement, or invoice.

Edit a payee

It's important to remember to keep your payee information up to date.

  1. If the name, address, phone number, or account number changes, simply click on that payee menu (vertical 3-dots) from the Payee list and then click the Edit/Delete payee link.
  2. Click on the edit icon and this will allow you to make the necessary updates to ensure that the bill information is accurate.
  3. You'll also be prompted to verify your identity via two-factor authentication when editing your payees unless you have already used two-factor authentication on during the same login session.

  Related Support

Edit or cancel a payment

Payments that are in a pending status in Bill Pay can be edited or canceled.


An electronic bill, which is also called an eBill, is a bill that you can view and pay online in Bill Pay. It typically contains the same information as a paper bill or statement.