International travel notifications

Travel notifications may help to prevent you from encountering issues using your credit card during your international travels. We monitor your purchasing activity 24/7 and decline transactions that do not appear to belong to you.

Experiencing a disruption with your card while traveling internationally?
If you forgot to set up a notification and are having problems using your card, call the Cardmember Service number on the back of your card.

Placing a travel notification

You can place a travel notification in three different ways:

Select the Add travel notification button at the top of this page and follow the instructions.

Use the Fidelity mobile app to add a travel notification.

Call the Cardmember Service number on the back of your card.

Advanced notice

Notifications will immediately be noted to your account. You can notify us of any international travel plans you have up to 90 days in advance.

Multiple travel destinations

Traveling to more than one country? You can add up to 5 destinations in one trip. Each destination should be added as a unique travel notification. If you'll be in two locations on the same day, your end date should be based on the destination in which you’ll spend the majority of that day.

Delete a travel notification

Should your travel plans change, you can easily delete a travel notification. You can access the travel notifications page the same way you set up your notification and simply use the delete link next to the notification you want to delete.

  Related Support

Configure alerts

Learn about alerts available to help manage your account and how to set them up


Learn about card security and best practices on how to prevent fraud