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Stock Scorecard

With the Stock Scorecard, you can compare a stock of your choice to the results of an independent expert search strategy, the results of a saved search, or the results of a new search.

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What does the Stock Scorecard do?

The Stock Scorecard compares a stock of your choice to the results of an independent expert search strategy or your own new or saved search. In other words, use the Stock Scorecard to see how a particular stock measures up to a particular search strategy. For example, if you perform a search and do not see a stock you expected to see, use the Stock Scorecard to see why the search did not return the particular stock.

How do I create a Stock Scorecard?

To create a Stock Scorecard, enter a stock symbol in the Stock Scorecard text box and click Go. You can find the Stock Scorecard box at the bottom of your search results page.

How do I read a Stock Scorecard?

The Stock Scorecard displays:

Use this information to determine why a particular stock was excluded from your search results, or to validate your search expectations.

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