Our Work
FCAT is building the Fidelity of tomorrow, identifying promising trends and technologies, and building and testing prototypes. We share our research, experiments, and concepts with our colleagues to inspire scalable solutions, encourage innovation, and support new business ideas.


Exploring Quantum Computing with Amazon Web Services


Today, FCAT is sharing its recent experimentation with quantum computing using Amazon Braket.

BY: ADAM SCHOUELA | March 31, 2021
There has been a lot of news about how quantum computers will change computing as we know it. That said, a general-purpose quantum computer that will have the capability of replacing the classical computers we use every day may perpetually be out of reach. At Fidelity, we do not need to wait for a general-purpose quantum computer. There are a few specific types of problems that quantum computers will likely be able to tackle in the near term and optimization problems just so happen to be one of those types of problems. FCAT is positioning Fidelity to be able to leverage this new technology the moment it becomes viable by exploring the optimization algorithms and implementations that have the most potential to deliver value to Fidelity and our customers.
Emerging Tech Project
BY: Jamie Barras | March 31, 2021
“What’s a Qubit?” is a virtual reality experience designed to teach fundamental building blocks of quantum computing through a virtual reality immersive experience.

The experience allows you to fly through a quantum computer at the size of a single molecule and witness the truly strange world of quantum mechanics up close. 
BY: RACHEL J RYBARCZYK | December 10, 2020
The composition of the block header is an intricate and highly consequential process. If Bitcoin is a living, breathing organism, then the block header is the heart of the entire machine. The “block” in the Bitcoin blockchain is what moves and settles millions of dollars of value every 10 minutes and in the block. The block header is what notarizes the funds in a block, votes on consensus decisions and ultimately directs and defines the movement and legitimacy of Bitcoin transactions

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