We are focused on the social trends that could shape the future and the tech tools that may drive it. Our projects are informed and influenced by our engagement with experts across the research, tech and design spectrums. In this space, we share what we’re learning, what’s inspiring, and what’s next.
BY: BRIAN WRIGHT | February 11, 2021
The following is excerpted from an interview with Apolline Blandin, Research Affiliate of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain at the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF). The findings from Apolline’s research on the Bitcoin mining industry were published in the 3rd Global Cryptoasset Benchmarking Study in 2020. In this interview Apolline discusses some of the most important trends in Bitcoin mining including cost structure and hashrate dispersion across geographies, use of renewable energy sources, and treasury management strategies. The interviewer is FCAT’s Brian Wright, senior manager of Bitcoin mining.
If you asked a room of 50 people their perception of mining, you’d get 50 different responses. And quite a few are misconceptions. Over the past year, the Blockchain Incubator at Fidelity Center for Applied Technology (FCAT) expanded its mining operation to dig in and start to shine some light on this world. We learned quite a bit about this ecosystem and created a forum to share our findings and invite others to do the same – in August of 2019 at Fidelity’s first ever Mining Summit.

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