Help Glossary
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Position Cost

For your retirement account, you can view detailed information for individual holdings. You can view the cost of your positions as well as information for positions you have sold previously. In addition, you can provide cost information for positions that do not currently have cost information associated with them (e.g., shares transferred from another financial institution).

Related Help Topics

How can I see what my positions are currently worth in relation to what they cost?

You can see the cost of your positions and compare them to their current market value by clicking a position's quantity, or by selecting View Lots from the position's Action drop-down list.

What is included in the cost amount?

For retirement accounts, Fidelity includes all the purchases and exchanges you have initiated in calculating a position's cost amount.

Historically, at Fidelity, cost basis in retirement accounts, has not included dividend reinvestments or capital gains. This calculation is being changed. Beginning in September 2011, positions in retirement accounts will be recalculated to include reinvested dividends and capital gains. This change will be phased in over time. All accounts will be converted to the new calculation by the end of 2012.

How do I view the individual purchases that make up the total quantity?

You can review the individual purchase information included in the quantity amount by clicking a position's quantity, or by selecting View Lots from the position's Action drop-down list. If you transferred shares from another financial institution or from another Fidelity account, the initial cost of those shares may not be available. You can provide this information by selecting Edit Cost from the Action drop-down list.

Is the cost information provided in my retirement account the same as Cost Basis?

No. Cost information provided in your retirement account is for informational purposes only and should not be used for tax reporting purposes. Also, the cost information provided does not reflect your tax basis in a retirement account that may result from non-deductible or after-tax contributions.

I bought shares at different times. How can I see the individual purchases?

You can view individual purchases of a security by selecting View Lots from the Action drop-down list.

How can I view information for individual tax lots?

To view individual tax lot information for a security, select View Lots from the Action drop-down list.

Cost information for one of my positions appears to be missing. Can I provide the cost basis?

In some circumstances, such as transferring a position from another account into your Fidelity account, cost basis information might not transfer properly. You can provide this information manually by selecting Edit Cost from the Action drop-down list to display the Eligible Lots page. The Eligible Lots page list the eligible lots for which you can provide initial purchase cost information.

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