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When you evaluate an exchange traded product (ETP), the Snapshot page provides a detailed overview and summary of research data and analytics available for the security along with easy access to more comprehensive detailed research pages.

Exchange traded products (ETPs) include exchange traded funds (ETFs), exchange traded notes (ETNs), holding company depository receipts (HOLDRs), as well as other kinds of exchange traded products (we refer to these products collectively as "ETPs"). ETPs can include securities not registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

What information does the Snapshot page show?

The Snapshot page provides overviews of the following information:

Where can I find the ETP's trading information?

A banner across the top of the page displays the quote for the ETP, and is updated as the market changes. Below the banner is the ETP’s key price and volume information, premium, discount, bid/ask spread, and whether options are available.

If you are not logged in, the quote information displayed in the banner will be delayed by at least 15 minutes.

What can the interactive chart show me?

The interactive chart (provided by Interactive Data, an independent, third-party vendor) displays the ETP's daily price and volume over the past 6 months. The chart lets you compare your ETP to other ETPs, other individual ticker symbols, or to indexes such as the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), or NASDAQ.  You can adjust your chart to display different time frames (from 1 day to 10 years) or to show or hide the ETP price.  ETP price data can be displayed in different chart formats such as high-low-close (HLC), open-high-low-close (OHLC), candlestick, mountain, bars, dots, close, logarithmic, or highlight.  You may also set the options on the chart to display information such as dividends, splits, simple moving average, volume +, RSI, MACD, OBV, fast stochastic, slow stochastic, ROC, Williams %R, money flow, volume accumulation, volatility fast, volatility slow, momentum, ultimate oscillator, % short interest, rolling EPS, P/E ratio, P/E ranges, rolling dividend, yield, up/down ratio, arms index (TRIN), A/D line (breadth), A/D line (daily), and % compare (all terms are defined in the Glossary section).

If you select the Advanced Chart link, the ETP will be displayed in the new advanced chart (provided by Fidelity), but other details and settings you may have selected for the previous chart will need to be reapplied. Although the chart is provided by Fidelity, most of its underlying data will usually be provided by third-party vendors.  

What is in the blue box?

The area to the right of the chart provides detailed information about the ETP, such as its type, legal structure, sponsor, regional focus, asset class, net assets, management type (active or passive), and benchmark.

What information does the Objective provide?

This is the stated objective of the ETP as described in its prospectus, offering legend or similar document.

What are Analyst Ratings & Reports?

Analyst ratings and reports are generated by independent third-party research firms to help investors better understand the potential risks and opportunities of investing in a particular ETP.  Each research firm has a different approach to evaluating the ETP.  For example, one firm’s ratings may be based on the underlying securities in the ETP, while another may rate and analyze based on the structural integrity of the ETP.  Click the research firm's name to learn more about their methodology.

The table shows the research firm's name, date, and action (upgrade/downgrade) from last rating, and a rating for each research firm that has rated the ETP.  If available, logged-in users can access the most recent research report PDF by clicking the icon in the last column of the table.  Not all firms that rate ETPs provide detailed research reports. Research reports are updated as new ones become available from the research firm.  You should check the As Of date for each research report and interpret it in light of any recent market events that may not yet have been taken into account in the analysis.

What is Performance and Risk?

On this part of the page you can view a chart of how a hypothetical investment of $10,000 made in the fund on 12/31/1999 or on its commencement of operations (whichever is later) would have performed. The values charted include reinvestment of capital gains and dividends, but do not reflect the effect of applicable sales charges or redemption fees, which would lower the values. This chart is not intended to imply future performance of the fund. You can also see both the short- and long-term performance of the investment based both on its net asset value (NAV) and market price, and how it compares to a market benchmark. You can click More about Performance and Risk to view more performance and risk information.

Note: For users who are not logged in, quote data will be delayed by at least 15 minutes. Quote and volume data will update if you refresh the page or move to another research page.

What is Portfolio Composition?

Here you can view the top 10 basket holdings of the ETP . Depending on the asset class you are viewing, you might also see more details about the composition of the ETP, such as its exposure to different sectors, industries, countries, or regions, details about the bonds within the portfolio,or a StyleMap estimating characteristics of the ETP’s holdings over two dimensions (market capitalization and valuation for equities). In addition, you'll have a link to see more basket holdings of the ETP.

You can also click More about Portfolio Composition to view more composition data.

What is News, Commentary, & Events?

The News, Commentary, & Events area provides a chronological list of continuously updated news stories and research commentary from well-known independent sources.

Click More News & Events to view the complete list of news for the ETP.

What is Key Statistics?

Key Statistics is a short list of important facts about the ETP you are viewing. This is area is specific to the type of ETP you are looking at. For example, this is where you would see the price/earnings (P/E) ratio of an equity ETP, or the average maturity of a fixed income ETP.  Additional information such as average trading volume, short interest, net assets, and expense ratio can be found here as well.

Click All Key Stats to view the complete list of Key Statistics.

What is the Compare table for?

This area provides a snapshot view of how the ETP compares to other products in its asset class for volume, performance, volatility, expense ratio and/or criteria you choose. Investors can click the Show Similar link to see a list of potentially similar ETPs as determined and provided monthly by XTF, a third-party research provider.
