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An Exchange Traded Product's (ETP's) most recent distributions are provided on this page, as well as up to two years of historical distributions. The ETP's prospectus, offering circular or similar document generally provides more information on distribution types and schedules.

Many ETPs are index funds with low turnover, and thus tend to have fewer securities transactions that Authorized Participants can create capital gains. In addition to individual investors being able to buy and redeem their ETPs shares on the secondary market, ETPs also utilize a process called "Create and Redeem" to facilitate purchases and sales of the ETP shares. Authorized Participants (APs) are also called "creation unit holders". They are market makers or institutional investors who have Participation Agreements with the ETP's sponsor to create units of the ETPs shares, usually in 50,000 share increments. These shares can then be kept by the AP or sold on the secondary market. APs can also redeem these creation units to the ETP's sponsor in a non-cash, in-kind exchange for the securities represented by those shares. To help reduce taxes for the fund, the ETP sponsor generally retains the securities with the higher cost basis so as to generate smaller capital gains taxes for the fund in the event the ETP sponsor sells the securities. Please note that leveraged, inverse, and other ETPs may not be tax-efficient, particularly over the long run, because of the need to sell securities in order to rebalance the ETP at the beginning of each reset period, which may be daily. These rebalancing transactions can also drive up the expenses of the such should consult the prospectus, offering circular or similar document of any ETP you are considering to learn more about its potential tax consequences.

Where can I find definitions for the terms used on this page?

All terms are defined in the Research glossary, which you can access by clicking Help/Glossary. Some terms have a "?" next to them that can be clicked on for an explanation.

What kind of information is displayed on the first table on the Distributions page?

For each ETP, you can find the most recent distribution pay date, its amount, distribution yield for the last twelve trailing months (TTM), and total dividend amount for the last twelve months. You can also see analytic measures such as turnover ratio and potential capital gains exposure to help you determine if capital gain distributions are likely to be declared by the ETP.

What is displayed on the Distributions Type by Calendar Quarter Pay Date charts?

The Distributions Type by Calendar Quarter Pay Date chart displays the distributions paid over the last eight quarters, including the current quarter. Here you can see if the distribution is a "dividend income", a long-term capital gain, or a short-term capital gain. You can also add the ETP's price history to this chart. Moving the mouse over a particular quarter displays additional information about the distribution paid, including the NAV at the time of the distribution, the date of the distribution, and whether the amount represents short-term or long-term capital gains, or dividend income.

What details are available on the Dividend and Capital Gains Distributions table?

Below the chart is a table detailing the last four distributions of the ETP. Information includes pay date, NAV at distribution, and amount by distribution type. If more history is available, a link to Additional Distribution History will display up to the last two years worth of distribution information for the ETP.

Who provides the data on the Distributions page and how often is it updated?

Morningstar, Inc. collects and provides ETP distribution information as reported by the sponsor for use on Data is updated daily.
